Queensland Timber Flooring now has a display at the Build and Design Centre, 66 Merivale Street, SOUTH BRISBANE. We would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and your customers there to discuss timber flooring options. Under current circumstances, a grand opening is not possible but we will certainly invite you along when we are able to schedule the event in the future!

Over the coming months we will provide you insights into some of the complexities and possible pitfalls associated with installing high quality timber floors and how Architects, Designers and Builders play an important role in producing a lifelong investment for the homeowner.

A quality timber floor is a big investment and will be a part of the house for life. It is therefore extremely important that it is done correctly. Our newsletters will cover things like joist direction and how it affects the appearance and performance of the floor; slab condition and the potential costs and project delays if the slab needs rectification work and how poor or incorrect subfloor ventilation can lead to catastrophic failure, just to name a few.

We will also let you know about new products that come into the industry from time to time.

If there are any topics that you are particularly interested in, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Don’t forget we are certified to conduct CPD presentations, which we are currently doing remotely. The Build and Design Centre also hosts CPD events, and we present there from time to time also.